Monday, December 1, 2014

Adjust Coordinates

In the movie, Insomnia, Al Pacino plays an L.A. Detective seeking a suspect who has fled to Alaska. The movie takes its title from the fact that people who visit areas far to the north, such as Alaska, have trouble adjusting their sleep patterns to the eternal darkness and/or light, depending on the time of year.

Recently, I was far north and had the opportunity to catch a glimpse of what that feels like. It was during this recent cold snap that gripped the country, bringing an early winter to the States. When the sun would finally peak over the horizon, it was warm and welcoming…it brought hope and peace after a long fourteen-hour dark night. The interesting aspect is that shortly after the sun filled the air with its beautiful rays of optimism, it began to set again. It never reached that apex straight overhead that I am accustomed to in Florida. Instead, it stayed low on the horizon, as if moving from a moment of sunrise to hours of sun setting, and then quickly to a long and cold winter’s night.

As I watched this day-after-day, it struck me: the sun has not changed its position; I have. The sun is still going directly overhead at the equator, the center of the sun’s attention. The warmth of its glow is just as strong as it is on a sweltering August afternoon in Tampa. The only variance is my position to the sun.

The further I travel away from the center of its focus, the colder it becomes. Daily chores become harder with less time to complete them. The sun appears more distant and always fleeing as darkness predominates the sky.

If I desire the full day back, I need to adjust my coordinates
…the sun has not changed…
I have.

Often in life, I have found that life had become harder in the sense of not having peace in trials. What once brought me pleasure was now a task. My daylight hours felt dimly lit and cold, damp gripping darkness was not far behind. The funny thing is…it seemed to take me a long to time to realize that life had changed. It was a slow fade, not a sudden jolt.

Even Jesus looked and felt distant.

It was not Him…It was me.

His position is constant.

His bright, warm, and desired path had not changed.

I had moved…

I had somehow walked from the center of His will for my life and traveled far north.

He was not distant; I was.

When you find yourself in that position, as I have many times, check your coordinates. God has not budged. God has not forgotten you. God has not messed up. God is where He’s always been…and will always be.

At the center of His will for your life.

Rising daily to give you a glimpse of what could be if you would adjust course.

“Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.” Psl. 119:105

Get back into God’s word because it’s the only thing that can get you to where you need to be…


Don’t struggle with insomnia because you can’t adjust to the change. God didn’t create you to adjust; He created you to rest in His design, uniquely crafted for you and you alone.

“You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever.” Psl. 16:11

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